Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee to verify their relevance to IEC-14. Accepted abstracts will not be published nor photocopied, but will be collated into a volume on an USB given to the participants.
A subsequent international publication of full papers in a book or in an international scientific periodical is being discussed.
Abstracts, as well as other documents of IEC-14, must be in one or other variety of English. Abstracts must follow the template provided here (link to be activated soon) and be submitted by email to iec14@ens-lyon.fr. Abstract limit is 1 page of size A4 (2 pages for keynotes). Please write the term "ABSTRACT" in the heading of the email.
The abstracts will be checked by the Scientific Committee members and minor corrections might be possible. The abstract volume will be released online and provided on USB memory sticks that will be given to all participants.
Please note that each participant who pays the registration fees may submit, with his/her name first, no more than one abstract for an oral presentation and two abstracts for poster presentations as first author. On the basis of the available time schedule, oral presentations may have to be switched to posters or vice versa; the decision will be made by the Scientific Committee and communicated in time. Please specify the preferred type of presentation (oral or poster), the preferred session, and an alternative session.
Link for abstract submission: abstract_submission
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